Monday, October 5, 2015

Snowman Church Christmas party - budget friendly

We had a Christmas party for 500 people, so feeding them dinner, decorating and providing entertainment had to be budget friendly.  Very simple, nothing fancy. 

 We have a lot of children at our church, so we needed something on the tables to keep them occupied during the entertainment and while waiting for their food.  I wanted coloring pages on each table, but a way to incorporate it into a centerpiece, also.  To stay with the snowman theme, I hot glued black puff balls (on both sides) and tied red fabric around the neck of a quart canning jar and put Christmas coloring pages in the jar (I put 10 in each jar, per table).  To make it cheaper, I bought coloring books from the Dollar Store and pulled pages out of the books and put them in the jar.  More time consuming, but worth it to save a few bucks (it actually saved me $30).  I bought the little red cups from the Dollar Store to hold the crayons. Red doily underneath, also from the Dollar Store.  If it had been closer to the beginning of school, it would have been cheaper to buy the crayons at a big box store.

 Instead of the usual red for a Christmas party, I went with the light sea foam blue table cloths. I worried that white would be plain, and the sea foam reminded me of icicles...

 On either side of the stage I made tall snowmen out of poster board.  They were about 3 1/2 feet tall.  It took 2 poster baords for each snowmen.  I had a different snowflake quote for each and had them printed off at Staples as an Engineer print.  It was about $3 for the print (this is the smallest engineer print out of the 3 Staples offers).  I love Staples Engineer prints - its awesome how big they are, and they are so cheap!

 A cheap backdrop was made from red tablecloths hung on the wall with tape. You can't tell from this pic, but the snowflakes are glittery silver - bought at the Dollar Store.  I printed the photo props off of Pinterest - onto cardstock to make sure it was sturdy enough to last the night -  and taped them to thin dowels I bought at Walmart.

 I had the young girls in our church make snowflakes for the wall decorations.  They were so excited to point out their snowflakes!  I just bought a ream of white copy paper and gave it to their activity leader, they made the snowflakes, I picked them up the next week and pinned them to the wall.

I wanted something in the foyer as the church members walked in, and found a snowman tree similar to this on Pinterest.  Bought the tree for $30 at Walmart, used my daughters black boots, bought a top hat at Zurchers for under $5, hot glued black fuzzies for eyes and mouth, made a nose out of construction paper, scarf from home, and red ornaments for the buttons.  You can't see it from this picture, but I used twigs I found at my neighborhood park for the arms.

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